This is a 45 minutes durational performance piece of the performer playing chess with herself. This piece is developing the idea of taking daily life objects and distorting their functions in order to make new meanings out of the actions.

Excerpt Performance



This is a interactive, site-specific performance. Depends on the location, artist will form 6 questions for the audience to answer. The answers will be put into the box and locked. The key will be thrown away (in to the ocean, or somewhere that is impossible to get it back depends on the location.) The box will be put at the location, remain in a public space. This performance asks people to think about their relationships with the location as well as questions the importance of the idea of “content“.

what is in the wind (box #1)

This performance took place at Fort Mason on 11/26/2019 in San Francisco. The box was gone after 3 days.


what is in the room (box #2)

This performance took place at the atrium of SFAI on 01/24/2020 in San Francisco. I intentionally left the box on the stairs. Days later, it was put back in the gallery.

During the performance- Photo credit: Collin Pollard

During the performance- Photo credit: Collin Pollard


A Perfect Situation (Wind, Sun, Rain, Air, Graphite on Paper)

This is a month-long performance. Each day I will choose a place to draw in the air when there is wind. I will record date, weather, numbers of witnesses, title of the drawing and time used to draw on a piece of paper.

For this piece, I want to talk about the meaning of the “meaningless“, the empty space, the negative space on paper. Addressing the presence of information and absence of objects, I want to suggest the power of language and imagination and the meanings of drawings.

Without an actual camera recording, I am dealing with people’s trust issues. If you did not see me doing the performance on a perticular day, did I really do it? I was inspired by Einstein’s discussion on the moon:”The moon is in the sky. Is it still there when you are not looking?”

It is romantic that some people (strangers and friends) shared a little moment in my life that they might not even be aware of. This is a piece to the amount of time that we travel together. In the end, poetry will unify everything.


Is there an artwork that lasts forever?